Monday, September 23, 2013

Physical Features of Africa

The students began the unit today with small group discussions on what they know about Africa. Each group was asked to come up with a list of 5 descriptive words for Africa. By far, the most frequently used word was "hot"! Other descriptive terms were culturally diverse, humid , conflict, beauty, and poverty. We also discovered that we have an opportunity to learn about Africa from some of the students that have been there. If you have resources or artifacts to share, please let me know. The students would benefit from your contributions.

The rest of the period was spent creating maps that identify the key physical features of Africa. These will be used as a starting point to discuss human/environment interaction and the issues that are related to it.

Tomorrow, the students will receive the "unit organizer".  My goal is for the students to organize the concepts, ideas and information throughout the unit. They will be collecting all of their completed assignments along the way and I will do a "notebook check" at the end of the unit. A copy will be available on Schoology (if someone needs a backup copy).

Finally, I want to share this link to the National Geographic website, they have an incredible interactive map that includes satellite views. Enjoy!

National Geographic interactive map

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